Saying “woke” is Actually Ableist

This Fighter for All
2 min readJun 20, 2023


In today’s social landscape, certain terms and phrases have gained popularity, with “woke” being one of them. While the term is often associated with social awareness and activism, it is essential to recognize that its usage can inadvertently exclude and be insensitive to individuals with sleeping disorders and conditions like narcolepsy. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on this issue and promote a more inclusive approach to language.

  1. Understanding the Origins: The term “woke” originally emerged from African American Vernacular English and carried a significant meaning within the Black community, highlighting awareness of social and racial injustices. However, its mainstream adoption has led to a dilution of its original intent and the potential for unintentional exclusion.
  2. Avoiding Stereotypes and Misconceptions: Using the term “woke” casually or without considering its impact can perpetuate stereotypes about individuals with sleeping disorders. It creates a dichotomy that associates being awake and socially aware with moral superiority, inadvertently marginalizing those who experience sleep-related challenges.
  3. Language and Empathy: Promote the use of language that fosters empathy and inclusivity. Encourage discussions about social awareness without relying on potentially exclusionary terms like “woke.” By broadening our vocabulary and finding alternative ways to express social consciousness, we can ensure that individuals with sleeping disorders are not inadvertently overlooked or marginalized.
  4. Promoting Education: Educate others about the challenges faced by individuals with sleeping disorders and conditions like narcolepsy. Raising awareness about these conditions can foster empathy and encourage more inclusive language choices. By understanding the experiences of others, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive society.
  5. Embracing Inclusive Terminology: Encourage the use of inclusive language that does not rely on potentially discriminatory terms. Instead of using “woke,” consider using phrases like “socially aware” or “conscious of social issues” to describe individuals who actively engage in discussions around social justice. This shift in terminology helps promote inclusivity and avoids unintentional marginalization.

Conclusion: Language has a profound impact on our perceptions and interactions with others. While the term “woke” has gained popularity, it is essential to recognize its unintended consequences and the potential exclusion it may perpetuate towards individuals with sleeping disorders. By being mindful of our language choices, promoting education, and embracing inclusive terminology, we can foster a more inclusive and empathetic society that values the experiences and challenges faced by all individuals, regardless of their health conditions. Let’s strive for language that uplifts and includes, rather than inadvertently excluding those who already face unique obstacles.



This Fighter for All

Writing for social justice and equality. Challenging hidden systemic discrimination 1 post at a time despite my challenges with autism. Join the conversation.